hey folks. paul here with a quick how-to foryou. this one is for adding e-liquid to shisha tobacco.i've been finding myself a bit fascinated with electronic cigarettes and mods and e-liquidsand all that fun stuff and i figured that there are enough similarities between a hookahand an electronic cigarette that i would try and combine the two of them into somethingvery interesting. obviously there are lots of things out therelike the e-head and stuff, but essentially turns your hookah into a giant electroniccigarette but instead i decided to put some e-liquid in my shisha tobacco to see whatwould happen. i’ll show you a video right here of exactly what i did.it’s pretty simple. all i did was i added
one drop of e-liquid for about every gramof tobacco that i added to my bowl. this is a tiny little bowl. this is my crown classicmini, which you guys have seen on plenty of videos. it holds about 15 to 20 grams of tobaccodepending on what i'm using, and all i did was i dropped it in there and then let itsit overnight. i don’t even think that’s necessary but adding the liquid and mixingit up in the tobacco has produce something very interesting, which you can see righthere: super puffy, fluffy big clouds. as you saw in that video, i was using fumariorange cream tobacco and mount baker vapor cotton candy. cotton candy doesn’t havemuch flavor of its own but it adds an even more intense sweetness to most of the thingsthat i've added it to with a nice round fluffy
mouth feel. it’s really good and the cloudsare crazy. the reason this works is because one of themain components of modern style hookah tobacco is vegetable glycerin and one of the maincomponents of any really good e-liquid is also vegetable glycerin. this is a 50/50 purpling[00:02:36] called vegetable glycerin mix. it has some interesting properties to it.if i were to do this again in the future and if i were to buy any e-liquids specificallyfor mixing into my hookah tobacco, i would stick to really strong flavors. mount bakervapors allows you to add extra flavor shots and i would use something with pretty muchas many flavor shots as i could feasibly add to it. i would stick with 100% vegetable glycerinbecause it would be the least adulterating
thing to add to shisha tobacco.don’t go over one drop per gram. if you go too far or too heavy with the vegetableglycerin, you get a soapy slick mouth feel that’s really not fun, but at the currentratios that i'm using, i would call this experiment an arousing success.the flavor is definitely light, but it adds an interesting new dimension and it’s somethingelse to do to customize your hookah experience to your own tastes. i think.it’s worth a try. i know that some people haven't had great success with this, but i'mreally enjoying it and i think this is something i'm going to do in the future much more often.this is my little guide for adding e-liquid to shisha tobacco. i give it a thumbs up.i put this technique as something i'm probably
going to do pretty regularly especially wheni'm smoking with friends who are cloud chasers because those clouds are good.this is paul for hookah.org saying thank you very much for joining. please go down below,like and subscribe. give us that thumbs up. if you like this video, let me know. if youwant to see something specific, if you want to see a particular packing technique or tobacco,let me know in the comments below or tell me on the forums and i will try to make thathappen for you. i'm here to give you guys the best informationi can possible offer and i will be back again next week with another how-to guide and evenmore reviews and i’ll see you guys then. until that point, happy smoking.